Day 8 - Free time with families & rehearsal

The morning was spent with the new Copenhagen home stays and many families went straight to business to explore the city. Some went sightseeing visiting Tivoli, the "Disneyland" of Copenhagen Some went to see the Royal Museum of Denmark, where royalty of the country once lived, and is now a museum displaying the Queen's crown and many jewels. Some also visited churches such as Trinitatis Kirke, Trinity Church, where when you climb to the top of the bell tower, you can see the entire city's skyline. But for the rest, it was to do some Danish shopping--Copenhagen style! Or to be more Danish, Kobenhavn! Buying all sorts of treasures, singers did indeed: Sabrina bought some cool Euro style shoes, while Emma G., Ali, and Linnea went to buy HandM's baggy pants that are only found in Europe. Annalisa and Elsa, went to Abercrombie and Fitch and took photos with the live model at the flagship shop of Denmark. Either way, everyone seemed happy with their home stays and had many adventures together.

After some free time to take over the city, it was back to work with our visiting choir from Gentofte in the afternoon. Rehearsal went well and all the singers seemed to really enjoy singing with the conductor and each other.

After our short rehearsal, we were released for an evening of free time with host families. This turned into a more exciting night for the chaperones than the kids. After taking the train into the city, we got caught in the worst rain storm in 30 years, so we've been told; 6 inches in 2 hours, or the equivalent of 2 months of rain!! There was insane flooding around the city, which shut down the trains, covered cars in water, and soaked all the chaperones to varying degrees. We attempted to sit out the worst of the storm while having an amazing Mediterranean buffet. Our adventure back to the hotel took us 90 min rather than a 12 min train ride. Gotta love being a part of history. We only had a few kids get wet, mostly from playing in their home stays backyards. And, most importantly, everyone enjoyed the thunder and lightning show and returned home safely.

Tate Bissinger