Day 12 - Visit to City Center, Central Market and Tourist Bus

We met this morning at the central market that was just great!  It was somewhat like walking through the open market in Seattle. Ice beds filled with all sorts of fish, fresh fruits and veggies, and meat.  The warmth of the day made all the fresh fruit drinks very popular amongst a lot of the kids. There were also other little shops where many had fun souvenir shopping.   Across the street from the market was a beautiful building built for silk exchange especially from Asia, making Valencia very prosperous in the 15th century. There are three separate buildings in the courtyard, one of which has a beautifully decorated ceiling.

Half the choir had a chance to go through the market with their home stays while the other half went on a double decker bus tour of Valencia and then we switched groups.  

After the Central Market and bus tour, our kids went back with their host families for an afternoon of shopping or resting, or just walking around taking in the sights for a few hours, which was a nice break before their final formal concert of the tour. 

They performed in a traditional catholic mass at La Iglesia de la Compañia de Jesus, followed by a concert for the community with quite a few encores!!  The mass was led by Abby's and Hannah's host father who is a deacon at that church. They sang several of their more secular pieces throughout the mass, which was beautiful. The acoustics in the church carried their voices throughout the high ceilings, filling the room from corner to corner. 

Immediately following the mass, they performed a half hour concert that was so well received by the audience, they demanded several encores, almost to the point that we ran out of repertoire!  Finally  Coral Juan Batista Comos joined us to sing El Tio Pep and Rise, Shine, and Bob at the end, smiled and told the kids, "Enough, get out of here!!!"

They were all pleased with their concert and while changing in the dressing rooms, they were given probably the most exciting news during the whole tour, which was, that tomorrow, our beach day, they get to have FREE DRESS!!!  I have never seen a group of kids so happy!!!  

Ending any day on a great note is always good, but this just topped it off!!  

They left with their families, all going different ways, many to go home to watch the Germany Italy game, others out to dinner. Chaperones had a fantastic meal with the Beck Ruiz family and a few others. What a nice end to a great day!!  Looking forward to the beach tomorrow!!

Click through the slideshow below to view some highlights from today:

Tate Bissinger