Day 8: A Foggy Start Leads to a Beautiful Day

Today was another fun and exciting day at choir camp. With a bank of fog over Walker Creek Ranch, the day began with a breakfast of French toast, oatmeal, and a variety of fruits. After breakfast, campers gathered for warm-ups, led today by voice teacher Theresa. Then campers went to their respective music theory classes until rehearsal. In rehearsal, Concert Choir rehearsed "Carol of the Bells" both on solfege and Ukranian words. Ensemble finally recieved their Mentor-Mentee assignments, a decision that has been eagerly awaited for the past week. During rehearsals, the fog burned off, revealing a brilliant blue sky for the campers to enjoy for the rest of the day. After rehearsal, the campers went to lunch, which consisted of grilled cheese, tater-tots, tomato soup, and a salad bar (proper alternatives for dietary restrictions were provided by the kitchen). After lunch came spirit day judging for Dress Like a Counselor Day. Cabin Quail won first place while cabins Fox and Codor tied for second and third. The campers then went to their cabins for rest period to recover from a busy morning and prepare for the remainder of the day. After rest period, the campers were released to free time where they participated in a myriad of activities. Some had voice lessons, group lessons, or sectionals, while others went to arts and crafts to make friendship bracelets, landyards, and letters home, or went to the pond to sit in the sun and play in the water. Free time came to an end when recital started. Tonight's performers consisted of the staff members Clarissa, an Ensemble voice teacher, Eric, Alice, and Tim. After a wonderful recital, the campers rushed down to a dinner of tri-tip, polenta, roast squash, and salad (proper alternatives were provided). The choristers then headed to their evening rehearsals. After rehearsals came the evening activity: counselor bingo. The campers ran around to every counselor and tried to guess which fun fact belonged to each counselor. After an hour of discovering new things about their counselors and voice teachers, from living in Paris for a year to being bitten by their pet rat to sharing a birthday with another member of the staff, the campers went off to get ready for bed. After being sung lullabies, the campers drifted off to sleep and are excited for another day of camp.


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Beth Beauchamp