Thank You To Our Donors!

Each gift enables Piedmont East Bay Children’s Choir to offer inspirational music education and training to every young person interested in singing in  our choir. We would like to extend our gratitude to those who generously contributed to PEBCC between July 1, 2019 and November 24, 2020. 

This Donor Honor Roll will continuously be updated throughout the 2020-21 Concert Season. 

Season Sponsor


Foundation and Government Support

Charities Aid Foundation of America

Alameda County Arts Commission

Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation

The Bernard Osher Foundation

National Endowment for the Arts

2020 Benefit Concert and Auction Donors

Continuing our commitment to ensure every young person can fully participate in our programs regardless of family financial circumstances, proceeds from our annual Benefit Concert and Auction help subsidize the cost of tuition for every singer in our choir.

Forrest Bell & Rose Lynn Abesamis-Bell

Abbot Downing

Ann Ackerman

Cynthia Adams and David Baraff


Anonymous (2)

Lillian B. Archer/The Archer Group

Galas At Home

Leslie Bacon

Ariel Bacon

Katherine Baird

Maria and Ben Barr

Barbara Beck

James Bell and Bell Investment Advisors

Cheryl and John Benson

Alison Bernet

Sharon and Hans Bissinger

David Blumgart

Lauren Boranian

Joan and Mitch Bostian

Naomi Braun and Robert Newman

Mimi Brennan

Dan Brennan

Keri and Nickolai Butkevich

Gerald Cain and Scott James

Catherine and Bill Camp

Jodi Carter

Stephanie Casenza and Kevin McGourty

Roseanne Chambers

Sylvia Chin

James Hasler

Tamra C. Hege

Anne Hege

Natalie and Ed Henrich

Bob and Carolyn Heywood

Jeffrey and Margaret Hiller

Martin Hodge

Kathleen Hoie

Sara Holderfield

Audrey Howitt

Polly and Greg Ikonen

Yonchu Jenkins and Toshi Takeuchi

Leslie and Conway Jones Jr.

Joona Fabriculture, Artisan Curtains and Upholstery

Michelle Jurika

Ken & Susan Kawaichi

Ann Kim and Stuart Sands

Kelly S. Kirkpatrick and Peter S. Fiske

Allison Kirkpatrick

Sonja Klein

Bob and Judy Kridle

Elaine Mindo and Greg Kurio

Marcia Lam and John Lee

Casimir and Gloria Lawler

Bonnie and Charles Leach

Dorothy Lee

Erica and Alan Orcharton

Carol Osterberg

Shirley Pao and Scott Ziegler

Dvora Parker

Anne & Michel Perrault

Renee Perry

Julia Phillips

Tali Pinkham

Alfred Plamann

Susan and Dick Rahl

Saroja Raj

Harish Ramadas

Aparna Rao and Joshua Beattie

Maya Rath

Vince and Juliet Reyes

Soraya Rofagha and Phiroz Tarapore

Jim and Kyoko Roseborough

Elaine Rosenthal

Matthew Beck and Ana Ruiz-Vilar

Lindsay and Hussein Saffouri

Susannah Sallin

Alison Sanger

Caroline Santander

Heather and Chris Saulnier

Beth Schecter

Wendy Waggener and Greg Schmidt

Eric Tuan

Eugene and Joan Tuan

Tamara Uecker

Adam Van de Water and Amanda Brown-Stevens

Janet Walker

Catherine Walker

Janice and Kevin Washburn

Trevor and Joan White

Monty Agarwal

Cheryl Aguilar

Greer and Dale Alley

Susan Allison

Francis Combes

Genevieve Combes

Matthew and Jennifer Crossland

Gavan Dagnese

Ted Dagnese

Kara and Ian Davison

Ja Kim and Jeffrey De Puy

Joseph Di Prisco

Diane Dodge

Poppea Dorsam

Ann Dowley and Brian Weiss

Peter and Jared Drake

Carol Eggers

Rachel Eidbo

Patricia Nicholas and Richard Eigenbrode

Bette and Robert Epstein

Patricia and Richard Fiske

Anne Fiske Zuniga

Lois Flanagan

Emi Fogg

Nicole Friedman

Susan Bohlin and Robert Geary

Dr. and Mrs. Steven Gee

John Glynn

Elisa Tamarkin and Mark Goble

Bonnie and Earl Hamlin

Mark Lim

Nancy Linford

Emily and Lawrence Lohr

Camden Louie

Eric Macris

Susan Maggay and Leon Tuan

Grace Maggay

Susan and John Malick

Rebecca and Nick Malick

The Malone Family

Lisa and Jacov Malul

Myla and Charlie Manese

David and Tina Mayer

Carrie McAlister

Amber McClure

Jeff and Linda McClain

Laura and Ben Meisel

Jerene Meissert and Mike Robey

Gaby and John Miller

The Montanez Family

Lori Mouratoff

Kate Moynihan

Roshmi Mukherji and Sangeet Rajan

Peggy and Fred Munich

Liz O'Carroll & Kevin Munhall

Mary Olowin

Rick Seegers

Robert Shafer

Carol Shen

Peter Sherris

Audrey Shoji and Homayoon Kazerooni

Susan Shub

Jennifer Sime and Eric Robinson

Marcilie Smith Boyle and Colin Boyle

Linda Smith Munyan

Sasha Stanton

Molly and Josh Stern

Eugene Stevens

Casey Sullivan and Michele Magidoff

Rose Eng and Michael Surowiec

Jason, Jeanne and Oona Swartz

Andrea and Paul Swenson

Lucy Swenson

Blythe Tai

Emma Tai

Donna Tai

Trent and Christina Tai

Miye Takagi

Tony Tao

Denise Thanos

Nick and Kathryn Thornburg

Liz Tuan

Patrick White

Sara (Sally) Williams

Donna M. Williams

The Willson Family

William Winston

Anne and Jim Yardley

Mayo and Jackson Yu