For every event or performance your child attends, there will be a gig sheet sent to your email at least a month in advance. They will also be posted here and linked in the google calendar. The gig sheet contains all the important, most up-to-date information about your child’s performance; uniform requirements, call time, location, parking information, ticket discounts, etc.
Please see listed below all available and upcoming gig sheets for the semester.
MTAC Awards Concert
Sunday, February 2
Afternoon Concert
Jazz & Beyond
Ecco & Ancora
Monday, March 10 - Rehearsal with Jazz Trio
Monday, March 17 - Evening Concert
New Music For Treble Voices
Saturday, March 29 - All-day
NCAKE Children’s Choral Festival
Training 4
Sunday, April 26 - Festival Rehearsal, Adjudication & Concert
Making History Concert
Ancora, Concert Choir, Ecco & Ensemble (with visiting choir St. Cats)
Friday, April 11 - Dress Rehearsal
Saturday, April 12 - Evening Concert
FCCB Sunday Service
Sunday, April 27
LIFT Concert
Training 3
Saturday, April 12
Kinder & Training Department Spring Recitals
All Training and Kinder Department Groups
Tuesday, May 17 - Concert
1PM: Kinder, Training 2 and Training 3 Groups
4PM: Schools, Training 1 and Training 4 groups
Spring sing!
All Training and Performing Department Groups
Tuesday, May 27 - Dress Rehearsal
Saturday, May 31 - Concert
Monday, June 2