KinderChoir (KC)  builds the child's musical foundation and explores choral music in a fun, nurturing environment. KC is a wonderful way for the child to experience self-confidence and further develop motor and social skills through group singing and group activities.

Conductor: Anne Daniel
Kindergarten (Aged 5 by December of current choir year)

2021-22 Schedule:

KinderChoir A
Wednesdays 2:30-3:20pm
Piedmont Center for the Arts
801 Magnolia Ave

KinderChoir B
Wednesdays 4:00-4:50pm
Piedmont Community Church, Kettlewell Room
400 Highland Ave.

Classes begin the first week of September

Children in Kinder Choir will

  • Enjoy making music in a friendly, social setting with other enthusiastic young musicians

  • Begin to learn basic, healthy vocal techniques through songs and games which prepare your child for solfege-based singing (do-re-mi)

  • Build friendships with other musical kids

  • Participate in an in-class sharing session for parents and friends