Amy Hillyard

Amy Hillyard is the mother of a chorister who calls PEBCC her “happy place". Amy has a background as an organization development consultant, executive coach, and as an Oakland small business entrepreneur and community organizer. She believes that healthy organizations have the power to support the growth and well-being of their members, customers and of the community where they are rooted. 

In addition to running her consulting practice, Amy and her husband, Chris, co-own and operate Farley’s, a pair of community-building coffee houses in the Bay Area. She also commits a significant portion of her leadership time to pro-bono community-focused projects. Notably, Amy acts as an organizer and touch point for small businesses in Oakland at Oakland Indie Alliance. She can often be found in her Oakland backyard, making pizza in her wood-fired oven for warm and boisterous groups of family and friends. 

Amy, a certified Integral Coach, holds a master’s degree in organizational psychology from John F. Kennedy University and a Bachelor of Arts in international relations from the University of California, Davis.