Day 4 - First Overnight + More Hiking!

The beautiful sunny weather continued at Chabot for day 4 of Ensemble camp! Today’s spirit day was Cowboys in Space, and singers came decked out in their best space cowboy outfits. Tune in tomorrow to see who won! Yesterday’s winners for spirit day were the Sopranos in Deer, and the Altos in Salmon.

In the morning, singers from the Deer Pod made great progress in rehearsal and got a cardio workout in by doing Just Dance on the patio, including performing choreographed dances to songs like “Rasputin” and “Never Gonna Give You Up.” Meanwhile, singers in Salmon Pod were showing off their music knowledge on Zoom while playing Encore in between theory classes and voice lessons.

In the afternoon, Salmon Pod had the opportunity to learn about Oakland and its natural beauty on a hike with Lisa, a wonderful docent from Chabot. Deer Pod got the afternoon off from Zoom and had a “rest period,” evocative of old times at choir camps past. (Rumor has it some of them even slept!)

Deer Pod’s overnight at Chabot was tonight, and it was packed full of enriching musical experiences, including a recital with performances by voice teachers Audrey, Theresa, and Clarissa, counselor Rachel, and Ensemble members Taryn, Claire, Karina, and Naomi. The night closed with stargazing at the Chabot planetarium. Unfortunately, the humidity was too high to actually look through the telescopes, but we had so much fun asking the astronomers questions and using our own telescopes to stargaze - our eyes. We are so excited for Salmon Pod’s overnight tomorrow, and for more beautiful music-making in the days to come!


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