Day 3 - Glamour Galore!

Today was another great day at camp! Red Carpet Day had the most spirit day participation so far this week, and every outfit was brilliantly glamorous (but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out which sections won). Camper Karina came dressed to impress in a hoopskirt and flower crown - in clothes she made herself!

During rehearsal, Ensemble worked more on the Rautuvaara mass and Hymn to Freedom. Will and Sue led sectionals. Eric has been encouraging the altos to sound “glamorous” and the sopranos to sound “angelic.” Today was also a double birthday, so everyone sang to both Eric and Sue!

In addition to more friendship bracelets, Counselor Rachel distributed beads to make necklaces, bracelets, and phone charms. Break was full of lively arts and crafts, chatting, reading, and enjoying the mix of sun and shade.

Zoom was, of course, full of fun and games led by Counselor Beck. Campers played more Gartic Phone and Encore, and in the afternoon Camper Cayden even led a game of “Would You Rather?”

Yesterday’s spooky spirit winners were the sopranos in both Deer and Salmon. We can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow!


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