Day 2 - Hiking and Encore!

After their first taste of singing together yesterday, campers returned very excited for more! There were some wonderful costumes for Spooky/Halloween Day today in the morning and the afternoon. Yesterday’s spirit day winners were the altos in both Deer and Salmon! Congratulations, altos!

During rehearsal, campers worked some more on the Rautuvaara Mass, and then started learning a new piece called Hymn to Freedom. Going from a year and a half of virtual choir to singing spread out and wearing masks takes some getting used to, but Ensemble is already sounding beautiful and making good progress.

Pod Deer’s morning activity was a short hike led by Lisa, a docent from Chabot. Lisa walked the group through the towering redwoods, telling them about the history of the Space and Science Center, the forest, and Oakland. Camper Ryan triumphantly stood in two places at once at the border between Alameda and Contra Costa Counties! After listening to the sounds of the forest and greeting the multitude of dogs going for walks at the same time, Pod Deer headed back and had a final brief rehearsal for the day. Pod Salmon’s hike will come later in the week, so today they had a great time working on arts and crafts and continuing to catch up with each other!

On Zoom, both pods continued to expand their horizons in theory class and voice lessons. They also played lots of lively games led by Counselor Beck, including choir-themed Gartic Phone and Encore!


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