Day 1- Welcome Back Campers!

What a wonderful way to start the day, being surrounded by nature and beautiful music once again! Campers arrived at Chabot Space and Science center welcomed by some fun music, masks specific for singing, and of course hand sanitizer on their way in. The singers found their way to their binders and seats, rising to get judged for spirit day which today was: color day! Campers were decked out in rainbows and monochrome galore for the first of many spirit days. It was quite a sight to see, singers reunited in their sections, singing in harmony once again. After a quick warm up, it was time to read the new music freshly hole punched in their binders. Starting with solfege and then moving up to vowel sounds and some lyrics, singers worked through When I Sing, a brand new commission.

After the first half of rehearsals, singers were welcomed to the arts & crafts area where they picked colors and were handed string to make friendship bracelets. Campers lounged in the shade to fun music while they crafted their bracelets and caught up with friends they hadn’t seen for months!

Afterwards, they returned to their seats and finished off the day by splitting off into sectionals with Will or Sue or Eric accordingly to sing Rautuvaara Mass, a Finnish piece, and then joining together again to sing Bolo Bolo Sao Mil Bolo. Online camp when swimmingly as well, whether in the morning or afternoon. Campers started with some theory class to freshen the mind and then private voice lessons followed and lively online activities led by Beck Barr. The day ran smoothly and quickly, leaving campers curious as to what fun the rest of the week will bring.


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