Day 6 - Goodbye Campers

Today was the final day of choir camp - campers had their final voice lessons, theory classes, and rehearsals today. Everyone arrived at camp dressed in their blue camp constellation t-shirts.

Camp Joyful Voices made “Yarn Aliens” at Craft time, and performed a set of songs for each other at the end of the day. For videos of their performances, check out the link below! We our so impressed with our youngest campers.

Concert choir had their final rehearsals, and during free time had their last chance to finish up any bracelets or crafts that they hadn’t finished. Jackrabbit played a game of “Zip Zap Zop” and rehearsed in the nearby parking garage - see below for video!

We want to thank all the singers for an especially joyous camp - we can’t wait for next year!


Tate Bissinger