Day 7: Turkeys, Tie-Dye and Turtle Pond
After “Break Day”, singers were so excited to get back to our everyday routine. We started bright and early with breakfast at 8 AM consisting of sausage, eggs, fruit, and cereal. Campers then headed to warm ups lead by none other than our artistic director Eric Tuan!
It was the first day of Ecco joining in on the normal day to day routine. Ecco campers joined our musicianship classes and started learning with other campers. Will’s theory class was full of new Ecco campers that were eager to practice and learn new music concepts!
After musicianship, singers went to their first rehearsal of the day. Ecco rehearsed outside with Will, Ensemble rehearsed in Maple with Eric, and Concert Choir rehearsed in Maple with Tim. Ecco rehearsed their song “Jubilate Deo” composed by Jude B. Roldan. He is one of the conductors of The Young Voices of the Philippines who came to our Golden Gate Festival this summer and gave many incredible performances. After the first rehearsal, singers then went to lunch and had sloppy joes with caesar salad. Today’s spirit day was “Barbecue Dads, Soccer Moms, and Tacky Tourists” With the Ecco girl’s cabin Bobcat winning their first ever spirit day! Special shout outs went to Natasha for her Barbecue Dad costume and Oona who became a grill!
After rest period campers had free time where they had plenty of activities! The craft of the day was tie-dye where plenty of campers tie-dyed t-shirts. Campers could also go to the lake and go swimming or boating. There were plenty of games led by counselors today including volleyball and gaga ball with many campers joining in on the fun.
Tonight’s activity was “Opera in a Bag” where campers where given a group, a bag full of random items, five words to include, and 15 minutes to make their own opera skit. Campers came up with some hilarious skits such as mourning the loss of the purple concert choir uniform. Another skit included camper Daniel in the skit as a Turkey, and camper Kaya had a starring role as a bank teller that made everyone in the audience laugh.
Today was a busy and exciting day for the campers. We are looking forward to another day of fun! :)