Day 1 - Welcome Concert Choir and Camp Joyful Voices

We had a joyful first day at camp this week! Camp joyful voices began the day at 9am with some musical warmups and games led by our wonderful conductors Ms Anne and Ms Liz. Campers got their binders, “duck” masks, and got right to rehearsal. The day was filled with theory, icebreaker games, crafts, and beautiful music.

Concert choir got started with spirit day judging - Camper Juliet came decked in rainbow for color day! Then they rehearsed Hymn to freedom, and practiced solfege and rhythm with their pod conductors. Counselors led a game of “I love my neighbor” with campers during free time to help them get to know each other better. Campers also had a chance to start a friendship bracelet today. It was a joy to hear all their voices together in song - check out photos and videos below! We’ll see you all tomorrow for another great day.

Tate Bissinger