Day 2 - Hiking, Lanyards, Spooky Day and More!

Day two of camp started out cool and foggy but quickly became sunny and warm! Concert Choir Campers arrived decked out in costumes for “Spooky Day.” Highlights included a pirate and a huge t-rex costume.After warm-ups, Pod Bobcat (Concert Choir) practiced their solfege skills by reading a round off the whiteboard. Mentos Juliet and Imogen demonstrated singing a round 1 measure apart— an impressive feat! The singers also started working on “Cozy Cat Nap” and were excited that they get to sing the word “meow” many times throughout the song.

Camp Joyful voices had much fun rehearsing their songs, and learning how to make a lanyard at arts & crafts. Camp Joyful Voices’ Fox Pod went on a hike led by Chabot Docent Lisa, where they learned about the history and plants of the area.

In the afternoon, Pod Jackrabbit also went on a short hike through the redwoods led by a docent from Chabot. They concluded their day by singing “Circle Game”, a choir camp favorite, accompanied by Tim on the guitar.


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