Day 4 - Hiking and Bead Bracelets

Day 4 of camp was so much fun! Fox visited CC rehearsal today to watch and listen from a distance. They also had theory time, made pipe cleaner bracelets, and finished up their paper crowns. They worked on “Stars and Nature Sings” in rehearsal and Camper Elodie is doing great learning the percussion line. Eagle Pod had their hike today with Chabot docent Lisa.

Quail Pod also had a hike today around the Chabot redwoods. Jackrabbit rehearsed in the parking garage for a few minutes, to beat the heat and to hear their voices better, before returning for some jewelry making at Arts and crafts. Camper Ava made two pairs of earrings and Murielle made a bracelet in honor of her cat named Turtle. Camper Murielle had a birthday today, so her entire pod sand to her “We Wish You a Happy Birthday.”

Concert choir had their first overnight tonight - campers set up their tents with help from the counselors and ate a delicious dinner from Mela Bistro. They played competitive round of “Quarantine Bingo” - winners got glowsticks! Then it was time for recital: Voice teachers and instructors Tim, Eric, Audrey, Theresa, and Laura and well as Counselor Will all performed for the kids. Campers had hot cocoa, sang a few campfire songs, and then got to stargaze with the Chabot astronomers before bed.


Tate Bissinger